Can I Feed My Gold Head Compressiceps Zucchini

  • #1

Hi everyone. I'm new in MFK, so bear with me. I saw a Malawi Eyebiter in my LFS for $3. Can anyone tell me how to take care of this cichlid? Tnx. :nilly:


  • #2

Common Name: Cichlid - Malawi Eye Biter
Other Common Name(s): Playboy Cichlid

Scientific Name: Dimidiochromis compressiceps (Full Taxonomy)


Origin or Range: Africa

Relative Size: Much Larger Than Average
(as compared to other freshwater fish)

Average Lifespan: ??? year(s)

Behavior & Compatibility: Aggressive
(as compared to other freshwater fish)

Animal Category: Fish » Freshwater Fish

Animal Description:
The Malawi Eye-Biter, also known as the Playboy Cichlid, can be a very aggressive fish. It is however, beautiful and very attractive, making it a wanted fish. It can be a make a good fish, if it is put into the right conditions.

Malawi Eye-Biters are an aggressive fish. They are an African Cichlid, which tend to be more aggressive. They get their name from the fact that they like to eat they eyes out of other fish, especially non-cichlids. If this fish is kept with other fish, they should be large and able to fend for themselves. This includes other large African Cichlids. They will eat small fish as well. Malawi Eye-Biters should be kept in large aquariums, with a moderate amount of rocks and dense plant life. Being a carnivore, the Malawi Eye-Biter will not bother live plants. The Valisneria spiralis is a good plant to use in a tank with the Malawi Eye-Biter.

The Malawi Eye-Biter is one of the larger species of Cichlids, reaching a size of six to ten inches at maturity. The body of a Malawi Eye-Biter will be a shiny blue and green color. Females will have a golden head.

The Malawi Eye-Biter, or Haplochromis Compressiceps is from Lake Malawi in Africa.

Specific Care Information: Relative Care Ease: Relatively Easy
Malawi Eye-Biters are a relatively easy fish to care for. They need hard, alkaline water, with pH levels from 8 to 8.5. Water temperatures should be between 73 degrees fahrenheit. Malawi Eye-Biters are carnivores and usually won't eat anything that isn't alive. Live foods should include bloodworms, crickets, brine shrimp, mealworms, glass worms and tubifex worms. They will eat frozen and freeze dried foods occasionally. Some Malawi Eye-Biters will eat some vegetables, including spinach, zucchini, peas and lettuce.

Breeding and Propagation: Relative Breeding Ease: Relatively Easy
The Malawi Eye-Biter has been referred to as the Playboy Cichlid, because of their ease of breeding. Malawi Eye-Biters are mouthbreeders.

  • #3

WeeNe858, thanks! However, the one I saw - which was around 5", was just silvery, with no other colors. Will they color up once grown to adulthood?

  • #4

If it's a female it will retain it's present coloration. Males will become a 'shiny' blue and will usually have developed some hints of this coloration by 5", though more aggressive tank mates or uncomfortable setting may suppress this a bit.

These are a fairly large cichlid species (tending to max out just under a foot in length), will do best in a tank that is at least 72" in length.

Also, contrary to the centralpets info sheet they'll eat nearly anything you add to the tank and don't necessarily require a predominant 'live food' diet.

mike dunagan

  • #5

Eye bitters, get their name because many people do not give them the right food and they get hungry so they attack other fish to eat. They go for the eyes because it is the softest and blind fish are easier to catch later. Many times they do not even eat the eyes until they are dead. I have seen many who can keep them with peacocks without any problem. They can also be pretty tough and do well with more aggressive ones as well. If feed often and not on a flake only diet with various other foods(pellets work well) they will do great. They can become really interested in people after time and will even eat from your hand if given time to get over their shyness. Just what I have learned over time about the little guys...

mike dunagan

  • #7

all comps and calvus even eye bitters eat fry, they are mirco predators, the larger they are the bigger the food they eat... who can pass up a great meal like that feed right or not:screwy:


  • Expert Photographer

  • #9

They will definitely eat something that fits in their mouth. I had several new lamps and peacocks that were 1-1.5" and were eaten by a 9" compressiceps.


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